Chad Elson (ILF2021)

University of Adelaide

Transformative Leadership Program in Adelaide & Texas

The ILF was introduced to me via a previous scholar, wine industry colleague and CEO of Business SA (2022), Andrew Kay. The encouragement to apply at the time from ILF CEO Geoff Vogt and fellow board members, removed self-doubt on whether I may be worthy of stepping into the opportunity.

Following a career in sales, marketing and brand leadership roles, Gibson Wines presented the ability to elevate into my first CEO position. First-time CEO, and first-time external leader for a family business, represented a significant challenge and risk for both parties.

It was at this juncture that, through the support of an ILF scholarship, the University of Adelaide’s Transformative Leadership Program emerged. In reflection, it was incredibly fortuitous timing, enabling me to have the best chance of successfully steering a family business through a volatile and uncertain phase. Moving through health (pamdemic), weath (hyper-inflation/economic) and wine industry-specific challenges with global politics.

The ‘TLP’, at face value, appeared to be a professional development program. What was quickly discovered by many of the alumni, was that its was a personal development program. In the most simplistic of summaries, TLP helped to recognise my own bias and internal wiring. Ultimately to better understand that problem solving is a team sport.

Practical tools, many of which I’m still learning, have also been a gift from the TLP. Perhaps concepts immediately familiar to the TLP cohort, defining the nature of problems, change = loss, leadership perspective, systems iceberg, listening modes, self-check power questions and polarities have been game changers for me.

Life-long value and growth delivered by both the Industry Leadership Fund grant and my chosen study path with University of Adelaide. 

If you’re considering applying, put the Nike runners on and just do it…