Jordan Parham, Dr (ILF2015)

Institution: Melbourne Business School
Course: Advanced Management Program

I am the Engineering Manager of FCT-Combustion, a locally owned business exporting equipment and services to high temperature pyro-processing industries. We also support the services of our sister company FCT-Flames, that makes most of the cauldron and flame effects you see at the Olympics and other similar events.

With the ILF’s assistance, I was able to attend the Advanced Management Program (AMP) at the University of Melbourne’s fantastic Mt. Eliza campus. The AMP was like a 12-day mini-MBA, with high quality content crammed into each day and into the evening, including some unique experiences such as being taught leadership by horses – sounds crazy but it works! Just as important as the course, was the interaction with a cohort of 21 other people from across Australia and New Zealand with similar interests and issues – the frank dialogue that we developed as a group was challenging and rewarding.

The main outcomes I got from the AMP course were: at the personal level my leadership attributes and areas to work on; at the company level new tools for developing FCT’s strategy and the confidence to implement them in the work place. This has contributed to me helping set new focus and direction within FCT, putting us on a clearer path for growth and the prospect of me stepping up to a more senior leadership role.

I still reflect on my learning outcomes from the AMP course almost every day. This has been supported by the ILF’s great mentoring program, which has paired me with a fantastic mentor who keeps me on my toes and supports me in implementing the new strategic plans at FCT as well as my own personal leadership journey.

Dr Jordan Parham