Kimberley Ferguson (ILF2016)

Institution: Melbourne Business School
Course: New Leaders Development Program

When an opportunity presents itself, you’ve got two options: take it or leave it! As you can guess I took the ‘take it’ option, even if I did feel daunted and it meant leaping into the unknown. Especially as study is something that I hadn’t done since high school.

Suddenly, with the help from the ILF this one little opportunity enabled the world to open up and become my oyster.

The grant lead me to the Melbourne Business School (MBS) to study a Leadership course amongst a diverse variety of Business leaders from around Australia and the world from many different industries. As everyone’s different backgrounds emerged, a wealth of knowledge and learning opportunities were presented ‘to the table’ where I was surprised to learn the knowledge this young little country girl (me) had that others found useful.

Leadership for me as a 3rd generation member within the family business is extremely important as I learn how to shape myself into a successful leader and lead our family business throughout the years to come. This MBS course gave me an opportunity to look deep within my personal characteristics, learn how & why other personalities behave the way they do and how to manage these people to get the best out of the team through my management. As well as clearly define my values and set myself goals, something that many of us ‘busy’ leaders don’t allocate enough time too.

Since returning from the course, I’ve been able to understand and manage staff with much better success and have implemented a number of the many ‘toolbox’ tools I learnt.

The MBS Leadership Development Program and the invaluable knowledge received from it can be described as career changing, however it would’ve been unattainable if it wasn’t for the ILF. So I’d like to say a big thank you to Geoff Vogt, the Board and staff at ILF.

Kimberley Ferguson