Opportunity to gain leadership study funding and join an exclusive South Australian leadership network.
South Australia’s Industry Leaders Fund (ILF) has announced that applications are open for industry leaders to apply for grants of up to $50,000 and join its exclusive 103 member Industry Leaders Fund Scholars Network.
The seventeen new Members in 2016 included Zoe Detmold, Senior Business Manager at Detpak, Mark Nykiel, Managing Director of Philmac, Kelly Baker Jamieson, Founder of Edible Blooms, and Philippa Crawford, BDM of CMV Farms. They joined 86 others including Anthony Kittel, Managing Director of Redarc, Shane Kelly, Managing Director of Kelly Engineering, Wayne Duffy, MD of Dulwich Bakeries, Darren Turner, MD of MiniJumbuk, Dr Cindy Dennis, COO at Lightforce Australia, Claude Cicchiello, MD of La Casa Del Formaggio, Patrick Power, CEO of PowerHealth Solutions, Jon Seeley, ED at Seeley International, Grant Wilckens, CEO at Discovery Holiday Parks, Andrew Downs, MD of Sage Automation, David Heaslip, MD of Century Engineering, Eddie Lane, Sales and Marketing Manager at ColdLogic, and Kris Lloyd, CEO of Woodside Cheese Wrights.
These high achieving business leaders have expanded their businesses, reinforced a strong wealth generation ethic and developed multiple new employment opportunities here in South Australia since completing the courses which were supported by the ILF. Their track records are proving the benefits of carefully selected quality leadership training and further building the recognition the ILF has gained as a true leader itself amongst business leaders.
Being fully private sector funded, the program is unique, the application process is simple but rigorous, the Scholars are diverse high achievers from a wide range of wealth creating industries such as food, cheese and wine making, bio-sciences, manufactured engineering, software development, electronics, shipbuilding, aeronautical engineering, and mining.
The ILF believes that the best way to build a strong South Australian economy is to have great local business leaders. The ILF provides financial support for the development of current and potential business leaders.
Applicants must work in businesses that are located in South Australia and employ South Australians in jobs that could be located interstate or overseas. The aim of the grant is to support individuals whose employment history or work within the community demonstrates their leadership potential. The ILF is particularly interested in those who wish to share the benefit of their talents, knowledge and achievements within their industry and the wider community.
The 2017 call for applications closes on Wednesday, May 31 2017.
Potential applicants seeking more information should access: www.industryleaders.com.au, or contact CEO Geoff Vogt via the website, by email at ceo@industryleaders.com.au, or phone 8394 0016.
Media enquiries to: Geoff Vogt
CEO, Industry Leaders Fund
Phone: 08 8394 0016 or 0457 900 202
Email: ceo@industryleaders.com.au