Shaun Westcott (ILF 2018), Lozanne Pretorius (ILF2021)
Mitsubishi Motors Australia sees existing Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) technology as the way to create a leapfrog effect that would enable more Australian households to shift to renewables.
The PHEV is a transitional technology that Mitsubishi Motors has been selling in Australia since 2013. You could say it’s the best of both worlds, because PHEVs are EVs with a usable EV range backed by a hybrid petrol engine that seamlessly switches between the two.
A PHEV system is both open and closed loop, so you can charge externally, in other words has regenerative capability and allows the battery to recharge as you drive. It doesn’t come with the high price tag of most electric vehicles either. With a hybrid petrol engine to address range anxiety, PHEVs open up EV ownership to all Australians, regardless of whether they live in the city or in country towns.
This accessible technology also allows us to fast-track the uptake of renewable, sustainable vehicles as we overcome challenges with Australia’s EV charging network.