Donor Honour Board
The ILF appreciates the support of all donors. These examples are provided to assist potential donors considering options.

The Colin J Peters AM Memorial Donation
This donation was made by the children of the ILF’s founding President to honour their father’s name in perpetuity upon his death. It supports the Colin J Peters AM Memorial Award.

The David B McNeil OAM Donation
This donation is being made annually as a living bequest by the founding Treasurer of the ILF, as a way of supporting the ILF’s work and having the pleasure of seeing the results while he is still alive. The donation supports the David B McNeil OAM Transformative Leadership Award.

The Seeley International
Imagineering Donation
This donation is made monthly by Frank Seeley AM DUniv Flin, FAICD to support the work of the ILF now and into the future through the Seeley International Everglades Fund

Donation by Lumination
This donation, arranged by ILF Scholar Edward Carlson, is made annually by Lumination to encourage applicants who will innovatively use technology for the benefit of society and in doing so project South Australia onto the world stage.

Donation by Andrew Downs
This donation is made annually by Andrew Downs as a way of putting back into society, in appreciation of the benefits he and his firm, the Sage Group, gained as a result of the support the ILF provided to stimulate his attendance at the Harvard Owner President Manager Program.

Donation by Anthony Kittel
This one off donation is being made by Anthony Kittel as a way of putting back into society in appreciation of the benefits he and his firm, REDARC, gained as a result of the support the ILF provided to stimulate his attendance at the Harvard Owner President Manager Program.

Other Donations
These donations have been made by strong allies of the ILF who wish to provide the ILF with capacity to support more leaders for the benefit of the South Australian economy.

Donation by Kirsten Charity Trust
In March 2023 the positive impact on the South Australian economy generated by Matthew Stein (ILF2018), General Manager and Vice President of Trical Australia and Calvin Stead (ILF2018), Managing Director of Kelly Tillage was explained at a luncheon event. Ernst Kirsten was there and was impressed as they explained how their achievements had been stimulated by the leadership courses which each of them had undertaken with the encouragement and support of the ILF he decided The Kirsten Charity Trust, after appropriate due diligence, would donate $5,000 to the Industry Leaders Chairman’s Foundation.